On 02/19/2012 02:19 PM, Marc Green wrote:
Hello Pod People,

When given the following input, Pod::Simple does not warn that the
[text] portion of the 2nd and 3rd =item is invalid.

In passing, I'll note that the =over ... =item ... =back code was some of the hardest notions/code in perlpodspec/Pod::Simple.

And so: If there's points where you are baffled by why it doesn't emit warnings, or does when you think it shouldn't-- well, as H.L. Mencken often said to everyone who asked him about anything: "You may be right!"

When I was coding up this =item-etc stuff, it took long bouts of code-wrestling to get tests to start passing, and commenting out some while I was working on one thing, then commenting them back in, etc.

I was straining my meaty meaty brain just to get things to go from "it works!" to "finally it works!"... so I probably often (and inconsistently) slipped up and forgot that some of the DWIM that I needed to make it work was minor DWIM and I let it go, versus situations that needed so much DWIM that it should emit a warning-or-summink.
Up to you.

Of course, I think the prime consideration for all situations where Pod::Simple didn't use to warn but now does, is: don't turn search.cpan.org, into a giant garden of THIS DOCUMENT HAS TROUBLE! warnings (or the same for reading the docs in a core dist of Perl, or for highly-used modules like LWP, DBI, etc).

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