On 01/06/2015 07:55 AM, Randy Stauner wrote:
This came up in discussing a metacpan bug

A perl module can technically have perl code, pod, and even spans of
binary (in a data token, or maybe even a here doc).

To my surprise, the pod parser matched a line like "=F\0" in the binary
blob and began treating the document as pod.

The matching is inconsistent though:
A very liberal regexp matched the binary and triggered the start of the

if($line =~ m/^=([a-zA-Z]+)/s) {


Later on the line is re-processed to see what kind of pod it is and no
longer matches the more strict regexp:

if($line =~ m/^(=[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?:\s+|$)(.*)/s) {


So in a document that had no pod, the pod parser returned a bunch of
binary blobs
because it matched a very loose regexp, started the document, and then
found no actual pod (so basically everything afterwards is treated as a
pod paragraph).

I asked David about the inconsistency and he asked that I bring it up here.

Shouldn't the more strict regexp be used in both places?

I think so. Looking at the regexes though, I didn't know that directives could be capitals, and I thought that digits had to always be the last character (or characters ?) in a directive. It seems to me that both regexes should be tightened.

On the first pass the parser marks the line as pod (presumably matching
a directive)
but on the second pass the line doesn't match any patterns and it all
falls through as a paragraph.

This inconsistency allows binary data to be treated as a pod document.
Is there a recommended way to parse the pod out of a document that might
have binary data in it?

I don't know about this.

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