What is actually stored in data?  Is it raw image data or some image format 
(like PNG or JPEG)?

From: Ismael Schellemberg [mailto:isma...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 11:22 AM
To: podofo-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Podofo-users] problem drawing images

Greetings, i'm having some problems when trying to draw an image on a 
PdfPainter object

I'm trying to create an XObject for a stamp annotation, but I must be doing 
something wrong because the output looks buggy
Also, the output size is about half the size of what it should be. I've tried 
hardcoding the sizes or duplicating them but it makes no difference ...

Here's the code I use, and I attached a couple images, the one I'm trying to 
load and how it looks after I add it

- data is a NSData object (objective-c)
- document is a PdfMemDocument
- width/height are the size of the annotation / image (unsigned int)
- I'm absolutely sure the bits per component is 8

            PdfPainter painter;
            PdfImage image(document);
            PdfRect rect(0, 0, width, width);
            PdfXObject xObj(rect, document);

            // copy bytes
            const char *bytes = (const char *)data.bytes;
            int lLen = data.length;
            PdfMemoryInputStream stream(bytes, lLen);
            TVecFilters filters;
            image.SetImageData(width, height, 8, &stream, filters);

            painter.DrawImage(0.0, 0.0, &image);


What am I missing here??


<<inline: image001.jpg>>

<<inline: image002.png>>

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