On Sat, 2015-11-14 at 11:42 +0000, Matthew Brincke wrote:
> @Reviewers/Committers: Could you please review the patches used by
> Svetlana Watkins, and if accepted commit them (separately) to the
> public repository, otherwise please tell me why not?
> I'll probably post a patch for making (cross-)building for Win32
> work with cmake 3.2.2 on GNU/Linux in the near future (I have time
> now).

I'd prefer to have one final patch for the build, rather than hunt the
mailing list for several patches (I know you gave links to some).

I tried to build revision 1690 in my MinGW/MSYS environment and I
didn't face any code-compilation issues using cmake version
What I did in msys:
a) get the checkout of the PoDoFo sources
b) create a 'build' directory inside it
c) cd ./build
d) cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=path/to/include/freetype2/ 
e) make
   [there was some generation error for the windres.exe call, some
    unknown option 's' being used, thus I dropped the compilation of
    the .rc file for testing, then re-run the 'make' and it succeeded]

Then I was able to run helloworld.exe and helloworld-base14.exe and it
generated the pdf files.

That can mean that if you face compilations issues, then you might want
to update the build tools, maybe. I had also issues with the build, but
only with the resource compilers.

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