Appending is not the same as Attaching.

Appending is what the name implies – append the pages from one to the other.  
So that a appending a 10 page document to another 10 page document yields a 
document with 20 pages.

Attaching is the same as it is with Email or using a ZIP file.  You are adding 
the files “inside of” the primary file – but not as part of the content.


From: "F. E." <>
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 8:44 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [Podofo-users] Appending PDF: Embedded files of appended file not 
accessible in result pdf

Hello dear podofo users,
recently I experimented with merging multiple pdf files into one pdf using the 
Append function of PdfDocument. It works like a charm with the pdf pages and 
annotations, but I recognised that attached files (at document root) of 
appended pdfs are not listed in the attachment table of my pdf viewer (Foxit 
8.0, didn't check other viewers I've got to admit). When checking the size of 
my result pdf, it was clear that the embedded files are still there somewhere, 
but I cannot access them it seems.
Is this the expected behaviour or did I stumble over a bug / missing feature 
here? I think there might be a way to recreate the necessary internal 
references, but I'm lacking the knowledge to do so. I could circumvent this 
issue by manually extracting the embedded files (I know how to do that) and 
adding them to the result pdf (trivial via AttachFile function), but I don't 
know how to remove the embeeded files before appending the pdf file.
Thanks in advance,

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