Hello Mark, hello all,
> On 20 April 2018 at 00:09 Mark Rogers <mark.rog...@powermapper.com> wrote: 
> Hi 
> This code from PdfString::Write has a buffer overflow – it checks 
> buffer.GetSize() > 0 then sets nInputBufferLen=GetSize()-2 which is passed 
> to new[nInputBufferLen] and memcpy 

I'd like to contribute a fix for this (UTC tomorrow, I need to sleep soon):
> if( pEncrypt && m_buffer.GetSize() && IsValid() ) 

As IsValid() contains only a NULL check on the buffer in m_buffer,
the size check needs to be > 2 if ...
> { 
>   pdf_long nInputBufferLen = m_buffer.GetSize() - 2; // Cut off the trailing 
> pair of zeros 
there is to be a trailing-zero pair at all ...
Otherwise only when there is such a pair expected: should be the Unicode case.
I mean IMHO only then should there be one, I'm going to make it so too.
In the non-Unicode case I'll check if zero-termination is needed altogether,
if it isn't the check wouldn't need to be changed, but the handling would.

>   pdf_long nUnicodeMarkerOffet = sizeof( PdfString::s_pszUnicodeMarker ); 
Of course I'd correct the typo also.

> Best Regards 
> Mark 

Best regards, mabri

P.S. Please still hold off with the rc2 for a bit (@Dominik), I'd like to 
commit Francesco Pretto's iterator API addition (13/13) and a PdfPage one 
of my own, still before the rc2 (and shouldn't the known vulnerabilities
be fixed in it also?).

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