On Wed, 2020-08-12 at 11:12 +0200, sdf dsf wrote:
> podofo has an memleak if you try to read PDF files with a broken xref
> section.
> I wrote a small patch for that issue.

thanks for the patch. I've couple comments:
a) do attach patches, instead of paste them inline, because, especially
   HTML format (which you used), breaks whitespace and causes other
   issues, which an attachment can easily prevent;
b) the middle chunk doesn't look related;
c) PoDoFo can be built with older C++ standards, using unique_ptr
   without proper tests breaks this "feature". The current trunk
   contains PODOFO_HAVE_UNIQUE_PTR, which should be used here;
d) what is your real name, please? It'll be used in credits for
   the change.

Could you address the above concerns, update the patch and resend it,
        Thanks and bye,

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