On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 13:37:17 -0500  sungo wrote:
 | On (12/16/02 13:33), Dmitri Tikhonov wrote:
 | > > err ... what happened here?  I'm getting one of those domain-hosing
 | > > "portal" sites.
 | > > 
 | > > www.perl.org seems ok, though.
 | > > 
 | > > Is anybody else experiencing this?
 | yeah, there was a dns mixup this morning. its been resolved (har) now
 | and as soon as your dns caches catch up, all should be well. 
 | if you havent hit it recently (so its not in your cache),
 | http://poe.eekeek.org will get you there as well.
 | m.

I'm sure you all are working to clear this up. And that my observations are
redundant.  But still....

Restarting my cache does not seem to resolve this.
and digging poe.eekeek.org from an NS for eekeek.org shows

    poe.eekeek.org.         86400   IN      A

Then telneting to port 80 at that IP and 'GET /'  returns a Dotster
page.   Maybe the provider needs to wait for a main window to fix this?

I'm surprised how much I miss being able to view the wiki.
Let me know how I can help out.

BTW I'd be glad to host this or any other user group site.  On our
services here at ViaWest.net.


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