On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Bas Schulte wrote:

> On maandag, apr 11, 2005, at 16:03 Europe/Amsterdam, Merijn Broeren
> wrote:
> > My collegue Nick Williams and I had a stab at making POE::Wheel::Run
> > work on Win32.
> Isn't that like trying to sail the ocean in a bathtub?

Yes, but it's so nice to be able to pick up code that was written on unix
and for it to 'just work' on NT as well. Which we've got now. Extending
your analogy, POE is the GPS system that allows you to know where you're
going whether you're sailing a bathtub or a rickety old ship**.


** analogies comparing ships to versions of *NIX could abound, but I'll
stop there. Suffice it to say that I'm using a very nice apple-branded

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