This got me to thinking....

Setup a POE::Wheel::Followtail for each? file you want to tail.? No need to 
spawn off other processes.

If you DO need separate processes, from the main process run a POE::Wheel::Run 
and start another kernel on that process.? Setup a Followtail wheel for the 
input and handle the output back to the Main code via STDOUT and the Run object.

I tend to use fork sparingly and if you need to do alot of things 
simultaneously, you should probably handle those in POE first.




-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Landrum <>
To: Deven Parekh <>
Sent: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 6:51 pm
Subject: Re: POE and perl fork interaction

It's not clear what you're trying to do, but I suspect that you're doing 
it wrong.  :(?

Is there a reason why you don't use POE::Wheel::Run to tail the files??

There's also:?

I suspect that your forked tail process may have events queued from the 
parent, as outlined in POE::Wheel::Run section on Nested POE Kernels.?

Good luck.?


Deven Parekh wrote:?

> Hello,?


> Is it possible to use POE and the fork function in the same script.?

> I am running into an interaction problem where the POE::Kernel does not?

> return if i have forked off other process outside of the POE. Any input on?

> what I may be doing wrong?


> Here is the psuedo code logic of my script?


> #--- Call a function to fork off a process to start tailing some files?

> #--- store its the above pids so we can terminate later?


> #--- Call POE::Wheel::Run to do some task?


> #--- After the above POE task returns kill the tailing process?



> If i do not do the forking for tailing files, the POE::Kernel returns after?

> the?

> task is completed, but if I fork of the tailing process as above,?

> the POE::Kernel never returns.?


> Any input will be appreciated.?


> Thanks in advance.?


> BR?

>   DP?

> p.s: I thought i had read about this interaction somewhere in documentation?

> but am not?

>       able toget to it to follow discussion around it, if any.?


>   ?


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