Someone has had this exact problem in a recent PerlMonks thread. I don't have a URL offhand.

The last I read on the subject, the user was forcing POE::Loop::Select usage, which bypasses the Tk event loop. They were also including Tk widgets on the perlapp command line, and someone suggested that use- ing them in the code was a better option.

I haven't followed the thread since then, so I don't know whether that resolved it.

Rocco Caputo -

On Apr 16, 2009, at 17:50, Craig Votava wrote:


I have an application that uses POE to read data from a file using POE::Wheel::FollowTail and puts it up in a Tk window.

The application works fine on my Windows-XP machine with Activestate Perl installed.

When I use Activestate's perlapp to create an exe, then run that, the data goes up into the Tk window just fine, but once the end of the data is reached, the application becomes unresponsive.

Any thoughts or pointers?



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