No, it can be fine to combine services---even disparate ones---into one program, if that's the best solution to your problem. Obviously the applicability is up to you or your systems designer.

For example, Bot::Pastebot (CPAN) is an IRC client and a pastebin web server in one program.

Rocco Caputo -

On Apr 27, 2009, at 20:45, Josh803316 wrote:

I read the combined service example in the POE cookbook (

It gave me an idea to have multiple services handled from a single kernel run call. This way, I could handle an ajax request, a separate web_services request (json-rpc) as well as ikc client requests (ikc client lite....or ikc
standard clients).

Would it be foolish to try and do all 3 of these inside one kernel run? Could an IKC server handle these types of requests without having to include the other 2......with wheels and filters? I'm still very much learning the
ins and outs of POE so please excuse my naivete.

   port => 5667,
   name => 'automation',
   verbose => 'true',

 ( Port => 5668,
   ContentHandler => { "/" => \&web_handler },
   Headers => { Server => 'Sample',

       Port    => 5669,
       Handler => {
           'json_handler' => 'json_handler'

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