
I am writing a process spawner (utilizing POE::Wheel::Run) everything
is OK but I also need
to write sequential code and I simply don't know how to do that. The
only way is to utilize
the CALLER_STATE and call back the event which called another event.

sub test
my ( $kernel, $heap, $caller_state ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, CALLER_STATE ];
print "This is the test \n";
if ((defined  $caller_state) and ($caller_state eq "test2")) {
        print "the caller state is $caller_state \n";
        goto TEST;
goto END;

        print "after the test2 \n";

sub test2
my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
#print  $_[HEAP]{'test'};
print "This is the test2 \n";



Is this the only way how to do that or is there any other way?



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