A nasty error no doubt due to my rapid attempt at whipping up an
example program.  I've checked my original code suffering from the
problem, and it doesn't suffer from the same problem.

In my other code, I'm still having problems finding the object
reference in the _start handler (or any other, but one thing at a
time...).  Here's the code for _start.

sub _start
    my ($kernel, $self, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, OBJECT, HEAP];
    $kernel->alias_set($heap->{alias}) if defined $heap->{alias};
    print Dumper('in _start', $self, $heap);

It's failing on the last line, because $self is undef.  The dump in
the line before it, however, shows the object showing up in HEAP's
position, otherwise structured and blessed as it should be.  I also
dump the session object from the main program right after it's
created, and it also looks fine.  Not that I'm familiar with POE
internals, but in particular, the dispatch table shows _start listed
with a reference to the object and its _start method, right where they
were in the sample program previously sent.

Here's the Session creation in case it's useful for verifying
anything...  Not much there yet.

        object_states => [
            $self => [ qw( _start ) ],
        heap => {
            alias => $params{Alias},
            description => $params{Description} || uc($params{Address}),

If you need to see more code and you're willing to help me further,
I'd be more than happy to share.  Thank you for your quick attention
so far!


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