2009/10/11 Dave Schwartz <dece...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Excuse me for spamming a long mail. Stumbled upon POE and want to use
> it for my latest project.
Don't worry. All messages on this list are usually quite long.

> Is there something obviously wrong here when the user tries to give an
> offset other than 0 or the way I am trying to send data to the server.
> Any advice would be a great help.
The problem is that you try to send messages to the server before the
connection occured.

Try to modify your program like this:
- create the $server in the _start event of the main session, and store the
id in $_[HEAP]
- make the Connected event send an event 'Connected' to the main session
- create the watcher on the Connected event in the main session


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