Hi Dario,

I am also using untrusted certificates. There is no issue on server at all for that, only on client side. You have to accept the certificate in the browser, the server don't do anything about that. I just don't understand why you think it could be anything about untrusted certificates... Everything I mentioned is that in my test the message only occures if I connect with a browser which aborts the connection cause the certificate is not accepted by the client (= the browser).

What exactly is your problem? Maybe your browser don't allow untrusted certificates from a proxy server?

Did you try my example? It makes a https server and not a https proxy. Please try if http server works, maybe you just have a problem in your browser about poxying and untrusted certificates.

Markus Mueller

You are right Markus, I am using a unstrusted certificate. Is there any way to use the SSL filter with untrusted certificates? I know other libs like LWP can deal with them.

If this is a TODO or a bug I can help you fixing this on the POE SSL Filter code :)



On 24/05/11 11:35, Andy Jenkinson wrote:
When doing something similar, I seem to remember I got this error when attempting to connect via HTTP too. I could be making that up though.


On 24 May 2011, at 10:07, Markus Müller wrote:

Hello everyone,

I've tried the following program and it works under Debian Squeeze.

The message "POE::Filter::SSL: UNEXPECTED ERROR: ERR1:0 ERR2:1 HINT: Check if you have configured a CRT and KEY file, and that both are readable at /usr/share/perl5/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm line 280" occures in my test only if the browser aborts the connection during SSL handshake because the certificate is untrusted. In any other case I can see the data the server is returning.

Dieser Verbindung wird nicht vertraut

Sie haben Firefox angewiesen, eine gesicherte Verbindung zu saytest.priv.de:82 aufzubauen, es kann aber nicht überprüft werden, ob die Verbindung sicher ist. Wenn Sie normalerweise eine gesicherte Verbindung aufbauen, weist sich die Website mit einer vertrauenswürdigen Identifikation aus, um zu garantieren, dass Sie die richtige Website besuchen. Die Identifikation dieser Website dagegen kann nicht bestätigt werden.

Was sollte ich tun?

Falls Sie für gewöhnlich keine Probleme mit dieser Website haben, könnte dieser Fehler bedeuten, dass jemand die Website fälscht. Sie sollten in dem Fall nicht fortfahren.

Much regards,
Markus Mueller


use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket;
use POE qw(
    Alias        =>  "web_server",
    Port         =>  82,
    ClientFilter =>  POE::Filter::Stackable->new(
        Filters =>  [
POE::Filter::SSL->new(crt => 'sslkeys/server.crt', key => 'sslkeys/server.key'),

    ClientInput  =>  \&handle_http_request,
    InlineStates =>  {got_response =>  \&handle_http_response,},

sub handle_http_request {
my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $buf) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, ARG0];
   my $content .= "Your URL was: ".$buf->uri."<hr>"
     if (ref($buf) eq "HTTP::Request");
   $content .= localtime(time());
   my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200);
   $response->push_header('Content-type', 'text/html');


I am making a proxy and it must support the https protocol. I am
trying to enable SSL feature in the server side with this command:

    Alias        =>  "web_server",
    Port         =>  LISTEN_PORT,
    #ClientFilter =>  'POE::Filter::HTTPD', ##WITHOUT HTTPD FILTER
    ClientFilter =>  POE::Filter::Stackable->new(
        Filters =>  [
            POE::Filter::SSL->new(crt =>  'sslkeys/server.crt', key =>

    ClientInput  =>  \&handle_http_request,
    InlineStates =>  {got_response =>  \&handle_http_response,},

But when a https request hit the server I get the following error:

POE::Filter::SSL: UNEXPECTED ERROR: ERR1:-1 ERR2:1 HINT: Check if you
have configured a CRT and KEY file, and that both are readable at
/usr/share/perl5/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm line 280

I don't know what this error means because the files has the
permission flags set to 777. Are required some special certs?

Thanks in advance.

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