Hi Roderich,

sorry for the late reply, and thanks to the words of wisdom. As a lazy 
engineer, I don't like duplicating code :-).
Anyhow, as my primitive benchmarks suggest that it's better  to spawn off n 
[default: 8] processes of 27 MByte than forking 75+ MByte ones,
it would be great to get my patch into POE::Component::Resolver.
I will provide a PoCo::Generic patch once I stumble across the problem 
[currently not in use ... yet].


-----Original Message-----
From: Roderich Schupp [mailto:roderich.sch...@googlemail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 3:55 PM
To: Markus Jansen
Cc: Steffen Mueller; poe@perl.org; p...@perl.org
Subject: Re: POE::Component::Resolver patch for PAR compatibility

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 10:54 PM, Markus Jansen <markus.jan...@ericsson.com> 
> an "easier way" could mean some means to minimize the startup costs 
> for the other Perl scripts - as --reuse targets toward the execution 
> of external Perl scripts, we are talking here about "internal" 
> scripts,

I can't see the difference between "internal" scripts (i.e. packed into the 
executable) and "external" scripts here. The main cost is in both cases:

- executing the bootstrap program, i.e. the executable generated by pp  (which 
notices that the bootstrap stuff is already extracted)

- executing the already unpacked special purpose perl interpreter

- require'ing PAR::Packer and dependent modules

- finally running your script (whether it's below $ENV{PAR_TEMP} or somewhere 

The only way to save here is getting rid of the first exec (the unpacked 
special purpose perl interpreter is actually  $ENV{PAR_TEMP}/{basename of pp 
generated executable}).
But that would mean to duplicate the setup (mostly environment stuff and 
preprocessing) currently done by boot.

Cheers, Roderich

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