On Wed, 15 Aug 2012, Markus Jansen wrote:

I have discovered an annoying phenomenon, where after some while (days, weeks) 
a process (which is part of a multi-server POE network)
all of a sudden goes berzerk by using all resources of its CPU.
The good news is that the process itself remains fully functional, but from a 
system usage/load perspective, the situation is quite intolerable.

This sounds very familiar to me.

I encountered a similar problem on solaris and was able to make it stop by putting the following line of code at the beginning of my POE program:

BEGIN { eval "sub POE::Kernel::USE_SIGNAL_PIPE () { 0 }" }

There seems to be a problem with the signal pipe on some platforms, but I haven't yet done more research to track down what's going wrong.

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