The following commit:

for bug 30951 

seemed to have been done without running all tests, probably coz there
were other tests failing at that time :( .. which is why I have been
apprehensive of accepting any patch till previous errors have been

This commit throws an exception if, while creating a sheet, a sheet
exits in the workbook with the same name. Which is fine, however, there
seems to be some issue with naming even the first sheet you create as
'Sheet1', where the following code fails. 

            HSSFWorkbook     wb     = new HSSFWorkbook();
            HSSFSheet        s      = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");

ie, POI seems to think that a sheet named 'Sheet1' exists even in a new

Still investigating.


On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 17:07 +0530, Avik Sengupta wrote:
> HEAD on our CVS is currently broken (tests dont pass).  Thats the reason
> why I haven't been merging patches/bugfixes for a while... 
> including the powerpoint work by Nick (who just added some write support
> today.. cool!)..I plan to play around with Nick's  powerpoint code, but
> feel blocked by the fact that head is not all OK..
> So this mail is to say that any help on this highly appreciated :).I'm
> planning to put some work on this in the next couple of weeks. 
> Regards
> -
> Avik

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