Some comments inline. 

On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 12:30 -0700, Amol Deshmukh wrote:
> > 
> > ------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 2005-05-12 
> > 20:38 -------
> > Another thought, on the tests... Why do you need
> separate 
> > test methods/classes
> > for each eval if you are directly reading it from
> the excel 
> <snip/>
> > That way,
> > one method (with asserts in a loop) will test all 
> > functions/operators. 
> ...because otherwise I wouldnt know which test failed 
> if even one test failed :)
No, you would... you'll get the formula from excel, and each formula
would be a separate assert, and in the assert comment, you put the
formula. so:

while (get all cells) {
        assertEquals(c.getCellFormula(), expectedValueCell, actualValue)


> Also this way we get more control over which tests we 
> want to carry out simply by specifying the required 
> classes in a testsuite like
Well, if you are doing test first development that helps, but really,
for regression testing, doesnt matter much, so long as you can see what
is failing. 

And while implementing other functions, if someone wants to do
test-first, its better to write a lower level test without reading from
an excel file, but doing everything in POI. 

> Effortwise it is not a big deal since I generated all 
> the classes using code generation (you didnt expect me
> to /write/ all the test classes did you? :)
No i didnt.... :) but I am thinking less code to maintain! A year later,
a new contributor will forget about generation, and copy paste... 

> If there are suggestions to improve after you see the 
> test framework and the test cases, I'll be glad to
> make
> necessary changes...
> Thanks and Regards,
> ~ amol
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