Well, I did the poi-ruby module initially as a proof of concept, but havent been
sure if its useful to anybody :) .. I'd be delighted to see it developed

I dont believe you need to wrap the poifs modules. The good thing about poi,
from the wrapping point of view, is that its got a clear encapsulation of its
public api. So you need only start wrapping from HSSFWorkbook onwards.

To start with read support, you essentially need to wrap the HSSFWorkbook
constructor that takes an InputStream. For write support, there is the
translation of a ruby IO object to a java OutputStream. Similary, you need to
transform a ruby IO object to a java InputStream

beyond that, you need to wrap more methods of HSSFWorkbook, and then the child
objects of workbook, ie HSSFRow, HSSFCell, HSSFFormat etc.. some which are
already done.. but more methods might be needed.

Hope that helps. Shout if you need anything else.


Quoting Tim Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have used POI for quite a while, but have recently started working in
Ruby.  I was very interested to see the poi-ruby extension, but after
trying it out, it appears that this library can only create Excel files,
not read them.

It also appears that there has been no activity on this extension in 10
months since the initial commit.

After reading the brief description of this extension available at
http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/poi-ruby.html I noticed that providing the
ability to READ excel files was listed as one of the TODOs.  This item
was also marked as being "easy".

As I have a need for this capability, I would like to go ahead and
implement this functionality.  However, before I started, I was hoping
to get some thoughts on exactly what would need to be wrapped to provide
this capability.

Based on my initial and very brief review, it appears that many of the
classes under the org.apache.poi.poifs package would need to be wrapped
as well as more of the org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel package and the
org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel package.

Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated before I get started.

- Tim

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