Hi All

Yegor Kozlov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has been submitting patches and bug reports for HSLF for quite a while now.

His contributions seem to be up to our standards, and I've had no problems collaberating with him on the HSLF code. He's also hung around for a while, and helped fix bugs :)

I propose Yegor to be a committer with all rights therein, but for his commit rights to automatically expire if he does not use them within 6 months, or if he ever becomes bound by such an agreement. (this is based on the suggestions after the last vote)

Please vote, voting to end 7 days from today.

+1 - Make Yegor a committer
 0 - I don't mind either way
-1 - I'd rather Yegor wasn't a comitter

I'm going with [+1]


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