On 12/20/06, Nick Burch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 18 Dec 2006, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Following up on the recent thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED] is there anything I
> can do to lend a hand around releases and the like?

Henri's given us a long list of things we should try to sort out in the
builds. I'm planning to try to fix all of them over Christmas (few long
train journeys should help), but it'd be useful to have another set of
eyes looking over the new build process when it's sorted.

KEYS file is top of my list in terms of fixing things.

It looks like we're going to aim for a FINAL release in the early new
year, so whoever opts to be release manager for it will probably ping you
to check they've remembered everything, if that's ok?

A final in the new year would be very cool.


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