Avik Sengupta wrote:
> Thanks for the effort Mark.
> Can I  just ask that if you're doing any changes to the build, you run it 
> past 
> this list, since it'll interest everybody?

Happy to. I am not planning any changes to the build at the moment. If
this changes I'll let the list know. Most of what I still have to
commit is setting svn properties and inserting / changing licence text
which should, unless I mess something up, have zero impact on poi
functionality or on the build.

Two things I think it would be good to do but some feedback before I
do then would be nice are:
1. Delete /src/documentation/content/xdocs/dtd since they aren't used
for validation and the xml doesn't conform to them (older dtds from
forrest are used instead)
2. Add a some trademark usage words (like that on


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