
Is there anything special in the way you are inserting images?
Any user actions after "Insert image from file"? I mean undo or delete image and
insert a newer version?


JO> Hello,

JO> Relevant versions first: we're using Excel 2000 and tried out POI
JO> versions 2.5.1, 3.0alpha3 and the current SVN version.

JO> we're having a problem here which is very hard to isolate and which
JO> causes us quite some headache (unfortunately it's also pretty urgent).
JO> it seems to be something very odd, which might be a pain to debug. (or
JO> maybe it's something really, really simple.)

JO> stripped down to its basics, the scenario is the following: we open an
JO> excel file, which serves as a template. then we change some strings (but
JO> even if we don't the problem still persists, so we can leave that out
JO> here) and then, still using POI, we output the Excel file (the
JO> HSSFWorkbook) again.

JO> the problem is this: sometimes it works just perfectly, which means that
JO> we are still able to open the document with excel after it's been opened
JO> and saved by POI (and the content looks fine, too).

JO> and sometimes it doesn't work at all. depending on the POI version and
JO> on the content Excel refuses to load the file with one of two errors:
JO> "Excel cannot read the file" (translated from german because our Excel
JO> ist german) or a complete Excel crash which causes Windows to terminate
JO> the process without further error message from Excel.

JO> as mentioned, this appears even if we don't change anything with POI,
JO> just outputting an opened document again is enough.

JO> now, the last few days, we were trying to find the exact element that
JO> makes Excel dislike our document. unfortunately, we did so with less
JO> than satisfying success.

JO> in our case, it somehow seems to be connected to images. if we add
JO> certain images, Excel refuses to load the file. but we can't find out
JO> what's wrong with the images, why some work and why some won't.
JO> filesize, image dimensions, format, color... doesn't seem to really matter.

JO> to make matters worse, images sometimes are accepted and sometimes
JO> aren't. so it's not necessarily the images themselves. quite frankly, we
JO> don't know what it is.

JO> ANY help would be appreciated, even if it's just telling us what seems
JO> to be the difference between the "good" Excel templates and the "bad"
JO> Excel templates, or the difference between the processed Excel files.

JO> You can find four examples here:

JO> http://www.terrasel.de/poi

JO> the documents are pretty simple. the ones suffixed with _poi have been
JO> opened and saved by the POI SVN version.

JO> good1.xls and good2.xls are untouched Excel documents whose result after
JO> POI processing, good1_poi.xls and good2_poi.xls, works.

JO> bad1.xls and bad2.xls are examples for Excel documents which are fine
JO> before being touched by POI but crash Excel afterwards. you shouldn't be
JO> able to open bad1_poi.xls and bad2_poi.xls, at least we aren't.

JO> as mentioned, it's urgent, so workarounds are appreciated, too.

JO> Thanks in advance,
JO> Julien

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