He doesn't seem to be posting in poi-user and poi-dev for quite a long

He is the author of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DrawingGroupRecord
and I think I found a bug in it. Before applying the fix I would like
to make sure it is correct and won't break anything.

The bug is in DrawingGroupRecord.writeData.
If the record is over max record size then continue record is not
written right after the first portion. Instead it writes two chunks with
sid=DrawingGroupRecord.sid and continue records only after it.

In other words,  DrawingGroupRecord serializes data as follows:

[DrawingGroupRecord] [DrawingGroupRecord] [continued]...

while it should be

[DrawingGroupRecord] [continued] [continued] ...

I found it when fixing Bug 28744 and have a test case which fails with
Glen's code and works fine with my fix.


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