Hi All,

If you click on "Download" on the main page
(http://jakarta.apache.org/poi) you will notice a new directory called
"nightly".  From this point on every night at 2:00am or so a nightly
build of POI will be uploaded.  For the moment these are just the jar
files, but I hope at some point in the future to do actual "dist" files
as soon as Centipede has a "nightdist" target which names the files with
datestamps.  So for the moment, all of the CVS-impared can just go grab
them there.

http://jakarta.apache.org/poi - port of Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound
                            format to java
                        - fix java generics!
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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