Based on the past few days messages which I've finally read and
digested, I've drawn the following inferences and conclusions.  Please
correct this summary where appropriate.

1. There is currently a bug in HSSF where either the method for causing
formulas to be recalculated on open is not documented or is not working.

2. A recalculation engine is not necessary for those who just want their
users to see the calculated values in their formulas, we simply need to
correct bug #1

3. There are other use cases that support the creation of a
recalculation engine, these are: reading spreadsheets (you may wish to
ensure the values have been calculated), writing spreadsheets to other
formats (A typical reporting system would output to perhaps PDF, HTML,
CSV and maybe word, you'd need to calculate the values yourself).  

4. One could argue that these use cases are out of Scope for POI.  I
understand the thought (and agree scope is of high importance), but I
disagree.  I think this should go under org.apache.poi.hssf.util.calc,
and probably not under usermodel but I regard this the same way I regard
figuring out Dates from integers and other such things.  Yes its not
directly directly related, but its closely related to the principal use
cases for POI and HSSF.  Lastly, having it just makes POI and HSSF way
easier to use, so why not? 

(BTW Date is under usermodel for the sake of pragmatism -- no one looks
for it in util ;-) )

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The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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