On Mon, 21 May 2007, pelican wrote:
I saw the POI version 3.0 final release and downloaded.

The file name is "poi-bin-3.0-FINAL-20070503.tar.gz".

However when I expanded, I saw the directory as "poi-3.0-rc4". Is it correct or did I downloaded the wrong file?

Yes, that is the correct file, it just has the "wrong" directory name within it.

This was the first release done as "produce a release candidate, then vote to release those files as -FINAL", where previous releases were done as "produce a release candidate, then vote to produce -FINAL from the state of svn at that point". This was done to follow the new apache-wide policy.

We are currently seeking advice on the best way to follow the new policy on voting on release artificats, without ending up with the release candidate number embeded in the final build.


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