Polecam odwiedzenie strony KPK http://www.kpk.org/ zeby przeczytac wiecej
na temat wizyty premiera Kanady w RP i braku zaproszenia dla KPK.

Wiecej informacji pod http://www.kpk.org/welcome.htm   oraz
 http://www.kpk.org/Antypolonism/index.htm  gdzie znajdziesz min.
listy do instytucji i osob w Kanadzie:

- Letter to Mr. Moishe Ronen President of the Canadian Jewish Congress

- Letter to Director of Operations Team Canada Trip Office of the Prime Minister



The Issue Regarding the Prime Minister's
Pilgrimage to Auschwitz is being twisted

                  January 25, 1999

In light of the statements made by Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, in Warsaw, Poland,
the Canadian Polish Congress explicitly objects to the Prime Minister's statement that
the Canadian Polish Congress declined the invitation to accompany him to Auschwitz.

The Congress received an invitation to attend the trade mission only. Given the fact
that the Polish business community is well represented on this Mission, this is the
primary reason the Canadian Polish Congress declined the invitation.

The Canadian Polish Congress was kept in the dark by the government that there
would be a pilgrimage to Auschwitz.

Auschwitz is just as significant to Poles, as is to Jews. Had the government informed
the Congress that such a trip was being planned, the Canadian Polish Congress would
have been more that happy and honored to attend, even at its own expense. However,
we only learned of he visit to this very important shrine through the media on January
18, 1999.

Our request to be included in the Auschwitz pilgrimage was categorically denied by the
Prime Minister's Office. And to quote the PMO: "This is not going to happen."
This issue is not about money but about the unequal and arrogant treatment of our
community. After all, the Prime Minister traveled on a pilgrimage to Auschwitz, a
concentration camp originally built by the German Nazi, in occupied Poland, for Polish
prisoners, tens of thousands of whom died there. This symbol of German Nazi atrocities
is, after all, in Poland, the country of origin to more than half a million Canadians 
Polish heritage.

Wiecej informacji na stronie KPK pod http://www.kpk.org/welcome.htm
oraz http://www.kpk.org/Antypolonism/index.htm, gdzie znajdziesz min.
listy do instytucji i osob w Kanadzie:

- Letter to Mr. Moishe Ronen President of the Canadian Jewish Congress

- Letter to Director of Operations Team Canada Trip Office of the Prime Minister

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