February 25th Pre-Purim Protest at Polish Consulate Against 300
Crosses at Auschwitz (IsraelWire-2/15)

Declaring that "neither the Polish government nor Church
has acted against the desecration of Auschwitz by the erection of
hundreds of crosses and the presence of a church at Birkenau, Auschwitz's
grounds," Shalom International announced a pre-Purim protest vigil on
Thursday, February 25th, 5:30pm, at the Polish Consulate, Madison Avenue
& 37th Street, Manhattan.

The vigil will be the latest in a series of actions by Shalom
International at the Consulate. In face of official Polish inaction, the
February 25th
vigil will call for economic pressure on Poland until the situation is

Bob Kunst, SI's founder, stated, "In the Purim megilla, wicked Haman
sought to kill all the Jews.  At Auschwitz, the memory of over one million
murdered by the Nazi Hamans is being exterminated yet again by the
crosses and church.  We must speak out clearly and decisively against this
Holocaust revisionism at the very symbol of the Shoah.  We dare not be
silent now."
Wilhelm Glowacki

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