> At 10:58 PM 2/15/99 -0800, Wilhelm Glowacki wrote:
> >Shalom International announced a pre-Purim protest vigil on
> >Thursday, February 25th, 5:30pm, at the Polish Consulate, Madison Avenue
> >& 37th Street, Manhattan.
> (...)
> Zydowska bojowka (przepraszam Irka Zablockiego ze osmielam sie wymieniac
> narodowosc czlonkow tej bojowki) "Shalom International" znana jest szeroka
> ze swoich pelnych nienawisci do Polakow i chrzescijan akcji. Nawet
> filosemita Nowak-Jezioranski nie pozalowoal jej ostrych slow potepienia.
> Swego czasu pajstwoalem wiadomosc o jej wyczynach w trakcie ubieglego
> protestu pod konsulatem RP w NY. Pozwalam sobie jeszcze raz przepajstowac
> ta infornacjje, jako "przepowiednie" tego co sie wydarzy pod polskim
> konsulatem.
> ******************************************
>         New York (PMN)--The Vatican, Pope John Paul, Pope Pius II, Poland's
>         Cardinal Glemp and the Polish government all were targets of a
> demonstration
>         led by a Jewish fringe group called Shalom International on
> November 8,
>         1998. The protest was held in front of New York's Polish Consulate
> to protest
>         the existence of crosses at Auschwitz.
>         Michael Preisler, a Polish Catholic survivor of Auschwitz
> confronted the
>         participants in an attempt to reason with them and explain why he
> believed the
>         cross outside the former death camp is a proper memorial to all the
> Christians
>         who died in there. He stated that he thought they would respect and
> listen to a
>         survivor and try to understand why Polish people also feel strongly
> about
>         Auschwitz.
>         Preisler, who is co-chair of the Polish American Congress Holocaust
>         Documentation Committee, admits he underestimated the anti-Catholic
>         position of this group. "They were angry at me. That's because they
> didn't want
>         to hear that Christians also suffered in Auschwitz," he said.
>         While a member of Preisler's committee was distributing literature
> about the
>         cross, a demonstrator spit at her and threatened to punch her. Another
>         demonstrator shouted, "Polack idiot."
>         Identified by the Polish American Congress as someone who worked to
>         promote Polish-Jewish dialogue and understanding for many years,
> Preisler
>         was visibly shaken by the events he witnessed. "This was not just
> prejudice or
>         bigotry," he stated, "This was uninhibited ugly hatred."
>         Accompanying Preisler was another Polish Catholic concentration camp
>         survivor, Walter Mielcarz, who was interned at Dachau.
> ***************************************************
> serdecznie
> Irek
Prosze mi jedno wytlumaczyc:
Czy ten przyklad (i podobne) maja udowodnic, ze Panstwa, ktorze tyle
tych przykladow znaja, nie sa Antysemitami lub ma to byc
uprawnieniem byc Antysemitem?


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