At 01:33 PM 3/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Members of Poland-L and the Authorities of SUNY at Buffalo
>Please do not hinder the discussions that take place on the Poland-L
>The Poland-L list is a discussion of Polish culture, discussion which
>allows with equal rights all subject matter and opinions related to
>Poland and the Polish. No one who is participating in this list was
>limited in access as a result of his or her opinions and convictions.
>This list is probably the most objective forum of this kind ANYWHERE. It
>is so due to the quality of the participants and also the quality of the
>administrators of this list: present and past.
>Any shut-down, restriction or censorship of the present exchange of
>views on the Poland-L list would be an act against free exchange of
>ideas and freedom of speach.
>Most Sincerely,
>        Marek Minta
I support it


 Alexander J.Matejko
University of Alberta
 fax (403)4927196

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