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Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 09:05:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Stanley Naj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cream puffs  vs weeds and courts

Part E

                     EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK
                       Civil Action No. CV 99-3487
                   +AS AND FOR A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION+
                       (Declaration that Defendants Have
                                 Violated International Law)
111.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in
paragraphs 1 through 110 as if the same were fully set forth herein.
112.  Poland, the Polish Treasury and the other Defendant's [sic]
violated international law enforceable in this Court as federal common law
and the law of nations, as evidenced by various sources, including but not
limited to, the Nuremberg Principles, the Hague Convention of 1907, the
Polish Minority Treaty of 1919 and the Geneva Convention of 1929.
113.  Said Defendants' [sic] violated such customary international
laws by creating, participating in, and/or for failing to prevent ethnic and
racial cleansing perpetrated against Jewish survivors returning to their
homes in Poland after the Holocaust, and by then trafficking in, managing
commercially profiting from the assets and property looted from the
Plaintiffs and other class members, and by failing, concealing and refusing
to disgorge such assets and the profits obtained from such assets, all of
which were obtained pusuant to barbaric crimes against an ethnic and racial
minority in a scheme that has continued for the last fifty-four years.
             (Declaration that Defendants Aided and
          Abetted the Violation of International Law)
114.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in
paragraphs 1 through 113 as if the same were fully set forth herein.
115.  Poland, the Polish Treasury, and the other Defendant's [sic]
aided and abetted in the implementation of a systematic scheme of racial and
ethnic cleansing perpetrated against Jewish survivors returning to their
homes in Poland after the Holocaust, including plundering and looting, in
violation of customary international law enforceable in this Court as
common law and the law of nations, as evidenced by various sources,
but not limited to, the Nuremberg Principles, the Hague Convention of 1907,
the Polish Minority Treaty of 1919 and the Geneva convention [sic] of 1929.
116.  Said Defendants aided and abetted in the violation of such
customary international laws by condoning and disregarding the atrocities
perpetrated against the Jewish survivors attempting to return to their homes
in Poland after the Holocaust, and by knowingly receiving, managing,
commercially profiting from, and trafficking in the assets and property of
the Plaintiffs and other class members, under the aforesaid scheme that has
continued for the last fifty-four years.
117.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in
paragraphs 1 through 116 as if the same were fully set forth herein.
118.  Poland, the Treasury and the other Defendant's [sic] have
wrongfully converted, used, operated, managed and alienated the Plaintiffs'
and other class members' assets and property for their own use and benefit.
                          (Unjust Enrichment)
119.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in
paragraphs 1 through 116 [sic] as if the same were fully set forth herein.
120. Poland, the Treasury and the other Defendant's [sic] have been
unjustly enriched during the last fifty-four years by knowingly receiving,
managing, commercially profiting from, trafficking in, and converting assets
wrongfully taken and/or wrongfully withheld from the Plaintiffs and other
class members, and by retaining the profits from such assets and properties,
all of which were obtained as a direct result of the systematic scheme of
violence, murder and liquidation heretofore alleged herein.
                (Restitution and Disgorgment)
121.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in
paragraphs 1 through 116 [sic] as if the same were fully set forth herein.
122.  Poland, the Polish Treasury and the other Defendant's [sic]
have failed and refused to disgorge assets and property, and the profits
derived from such assets and property, that were looted from the Plaintiffs
and other class members, all of which were wrongfully obtained by Defendants
pursuant to the systematic scheme of violence, murder and liquidation
heretofore alleged herein.  Defendants have instead retained such assets,
property and profits for their own commercial gain and benefit, all of which
should be returned to Plaintiffs and the other class members.
               (Breach of Fiduciary Duty)
123.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in
paragraphs 1 through 122 as if the same were fully set forth herein.
124.  Poland, Skarb and the other Defendant's [sic] violated their
obligations to Plaintiffs and the other class members, who were victims of
the Holocaust and the subsequent persecution of Jewish survivors attempting
to return, or dissuaded from returning, to their homes in Poland, by failing
to retain and hold their assets and property, and to return the same to the
Plaintiffs and other class members after the Holocaust.
125.  The aforesaid acts and conduct of  Defendants was a violation
of the fiduciary duties due and owing to Plaintiffs and the other class
members, and was unconscionable and inequitable and was taken with gross
reckless and wanton indifference to the rights of Plaintiffs and other class
members, and in complete disregard to the consequences and damages such acts
and conduct would cause the Plaintiffs and other class members, entitling
them to recover real and punitive damages.
                                 (Constructive Trust)
126.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in
paragraphs 1 through 125 as if the same were fully set forth herein.
127.  By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiffs and the other class
members are entitled to have Defendants declared to be constructive trustees
of the [sic]  all of the assets, property, income and profits held and
realized by Defendants, and to hold said assets, property, income and
for and on behalf of the Plaintiffs and other class members and to transfer
and pay over to the Plaintiffs and other class members all such assets,
property, income and profits derived therefrom.
128.  Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained  [sic]
paragraphs 1 through 127 as if the same were fully set forth herein.
129.  Poland, the Polish Treasury and the other Defendant's [sic]
fraudulently concealed the assets, property and profits that they received,
trafficked in, commercially managed, and converted from the Plaintiffs and
other class members, and have, for the last fifty-four years, concealed the
profits obtained from such assets and property, all of which were obtained
a direct result of the systematic scheme of violence, murder and liquidation
heretofore alleged herein.
130.  Defendants have consistently withheld and misrepresented
information concerning the status and disposition of such assets and
property, and the profits realized therefrom, and have failed and refused to
account for the same, such that the Plaintiffs and other class members are
entitled to an accounting as to the disposition of all such assets, property
and profits.
131.  The acts, conduct and activities of the Defendants described
herein were acts committed outside of the United States in connection with
commercial activities in Poland, the Polish Treasury and the other
Defendant's [sic], but which have resulted in damages to Plaintiffs and the
other class of members in the United States.
132. Defendant's [sic] transactions were of the same type of
activities commonly engaged in by private persons and entities.  In
Defendants derived substantial profits on their real estate transactions in
wholly commercial manner.
133.  Defendants [sic] illegal activities caused a direct effect in
the United States because Defendants' transactions in, and liquidation of,
assets looted from the Plaintiffs and other class members, denied thousands
of U.S. citizens, over the last fifty-four years, the right to own and
control their assets and property which rightfully belonged to them.
Plaintiffs and the other class members were denied the financial enjoyment
and benefit that they would have normally had from the use and disposition
these assets and property.  --  End of paragraphs 87 to 133.

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