> Dear Mr. Arkuszewski,
> Thank you for your e-mail.
> The reference to the camp in Chelmno was made by the SPIEGEL interview partner
> Yehuda Bauer and reads in German "Eichmann beschreibt die Details der Vergasung
> von Juden im polnischen Vernichtungslager Chelmno"?
> The English translation is "Eichmann describes the details of the gassing of the
> Jews in the Polish extermination camp Chelmno"?
> The adjective "Polish" is meant geographically. We are of the opinion that
> Professor Bauer?s reputation, and that of DER SPIEGEL, preclude the expression
> being misunderstood to read that Poland ran the camp.
> We also intentionally used the Polish name for the town, although the area was
> occupied by the Germans during the Third Reich. The use of the German name
> Kulmhof could be misconstrued as a legitimization of the occupation.
> Lastly, the interview revolves around Adolf Eichmann?s memoirs, so that the
> context of the expression "Polish extermination camp" is quite clear.
> Yours sincerely,
> SPIEGEL-Verlag
> Readers' Information
> Catherine Stockinger

Dear Ms. Stockinger,

How would  "Der Spiegel" react if the famous Dresden bombing of February 1945 were
described as "the German bombing of Dresden where more than 100'000 people
perished"? Of course the adjective "German" is to be  meant geographically.

Your explanations do not hold the water - I think that your should feel obliged to
an appropriate correction. Otherwise the credibility of your paper is at stake.


Jacek Arkuszewski
Hoehtalstr. 23
CH-5408 Ennetbaden

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