-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 22:46:18 +0100
> Von: "Riaan Kok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: policyd-weight-list@ek-muc.de
> Betreff: Re: 4xx or 5xx: just a matter of taste?

> Thanks for the explanations!  Some more comments:
> On 21/09/2007, Robert Felber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 07:10:08PM +0100, Riaan Kok wrote:
> > > On 19/09/2007, Robert Felber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 09:56:48AM +0100, Riaan Kok wrote:
> > > > >    What's the thinking behind choosing between 450s and 550s in
> > > > >    policyd-weight?
> > > >
> > > > Be more specific?
> > >
> > >
> > > It seems to me that in policyd-weight, by default, 450s are used for
> clients
> > > with DNS errors or client connections with a lowish score (and stuff
> > > shortcircuited in the DEFER_STRING), and 550s then for everything
> else: high
> > > scoring clients, multi-RBL-listed clients, etc.
> > >
> > > I'm not sure that I understand the reasoning that has gone before here
> > > (especially, why being listed in spamcop (IN_SPAMCOP)  or having a
> bogus mx
> > > record would shortcircuit the default reject to the defer_action?).
> >
> > Spamcop: Delisting Policy: 12 - 24 hours after last report
> >          Some FPs in the past
> >
> > So - a Spamcop listing may be temporarily. If scores go gen sky, then
> > this may not be temporarily.
> Ok, but the check seems to not care whether the client is listed in
> other RBLs or have numerous other mistakes - IN_SPAMCOP is a surefire
> ticket from 5xx to 4xx, and the whole point of my post is about caring
> whether you 4xx or 5xx.
> > > Anyway, my understanding of 4xx versus 5xx is this: a 4xx (defer) from
> an
> > > MTA means go-away-and-try-again-later (keeping the responsibility with
> the
> > > client), and a 5xx pretty much means go-away-and-notify-the-sender
> (shifting
> > > the responsibility to the sender).
> > >
> > > By far the most of the messages that gets rejected by policyd-weight
> in
> > > sheer numbers seems to be by hardcore listed spamfountains, and it
> doesn't
> > > really matter how you reject the msg as long as you don't allow it!
> >
> > It does matter. As we always have to consider that the client maybe  a
> > FP/legitime sender. In such cases the majority does indeed want that
> > (even if FP), the sender gets an _instant_ feedback - and not after 5
> > or more days.
> I may not have been that clear, but FPs was handled in the "The
> remaining percentage" paragraph of mine..  To clarify my position: if
> the client is a true spammer, no person (that matters) would care how
> you get rid of it.
> > > these clients will just keep on inventing new messages and senders so
> it
> > > doesn't matter whether you defer or reject, they will sit there and
> hog your
> > > smtpd processes and try and try again.
> >
> > Does that change in any way with 4xx(421)? You have also the
> > smtpd_hard_error_limit in postfix.
> I experimented with a Postfix + greylisting + no_RBLs server once and
> changed the greylister's 450 to a 421 and saw roughly a 40% drop in
> NOQUEUE messages in the logs.  In other words, the spam hogs might
> still come back (and reconnect), but they seem to be less likely to.
421 with Postfix 2.3.0 and higher has as well the positive effect that the 
connection gets immediately closed. This helps to keep Postfix connection pool 
less stressed. When I had a spam bot network attack on my infrastructure then 
switching to 421 helped drastically to lower the load on Postfix.

> -------------------------------------------
> On 21/09/2007, Henrik Krohns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 06:45:29AM +0200, Steve wrote:
> > >
> > > 421 would be good for all using Postfix >= 2.3.0.
> >
> >   A bit off-topic, but in case of 4xx, I think 420 should be used.
> According
> >   to Postgrey, that's the least error-prone in case of Exchange etc.
> They
> >   switched to it some time ago.
> Henrik, in my experience a greylister needs caretaking in the shape of
> a custom whitelist anyway..  thanks to treating ALL mail to the defer
> action.  And Postfix treats only 421 out of the whole 4xx range in the
> way that is advantageous to your server if the client is actually a
> spammer.
> ---------------------------------------------
> > > In the worst case, 5xx rejects on
> > > these will create scatter to faked senders.
> >
> > How so? Only if the client is a forwarder, in such cases the forwarder
> should
> > check what it does forward. The forwarder will be a backscatter source
> then,
> > yes.
> >
> here, FPs:
> > > The remaining percentage of rejected messages will be from
> > > poorly-configured-yet-well-meaning clients, where the SENDER is either
> an
> > > uncaring webmailer or server daemon, or a clueless human with no idea
> or
> > > control over the reason for the reject..  And the most reliable way of
> > > notifying the administrator of the offending client (rather than the
> > > clueless sender) seems to me to be: letting a queue grow on his/her
> server
> > > by issuing 4xx defers!
> >
> > This will turn into a philosophic issue which we don't need for
> > defaults.
> It does get tricky!
> > Policyd-weight has also been written with just-in-time in mind. Many
> > organisations need to react/communicate rather quickly. If an error
> occurs,
> > even if false, then rather get to know of the error rather sooner than
> later.
> Hmm, this is an advantage of rejects that defers would lack..  What's
> the list experience here: Does legit and false-positived senders seem
> to cope with the burden of notifying their MTA admin?  Using defers
> goes straight to the source, but the admin has got to notice it first!
> > > Here's what I'm thinking:
> > > Why not use 421 across the board in policyd-weight?
> >
> > Several reasons which I described above and:
> >
> > The number of REJECT-worthy MTAs is still high.
> > This will not only increase their queue but also our load as we don't
> > cache everything. Especially 4xx we don't want to cache as the issue
> > might resolve. Which means, policyd-weight has to evaluate _every_
> deferred
> > client and we could throw away spam-caching (unless we implement scoring
> > for cache4xx:yes cache4xx:no).
> Yes, the caching mechanism in policyd-weight does not seem to be
> compatible with my suggestion.  (By the way, how much of an advantage
> is the cache when you've already got a caching DNS server on
> localhost? (which seems rather logical if you're running DNS-based
> policy stuff!))
> So, the higher the score and more likely the client is a true negative
> (lets call it the deal_harshly_zone), the more you want to get rid of
> the client in the way that is most advantageous to your server.  Enter
> 421..
> The closer the score to the REJECTLEVEL and the greater the likelyhood
> of a false positive (lets call it the be_nicer_zone), the greater the
> need to assist solving the problem.  Which is better: grow a queue on
> the client, or bounce to sender?  Hmm.
> > You can change all responses to 4xx and watch the results.
> I did, on a non-primary MX machine that still has some traffic (a few
> thousand "confirmed" Ham daily)..  running since Monday for 4 days now
> and no problemo yet.
> cheers,
> Riaan
> PS. I come in flying all criticism-like, but I think policyd-weight is
> great!  Definitely worth spending time on and kudos to Robert and all
> for the piece of work.
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