Here in Germany there are many (dial-up) Providers, that use .net Addresses instead of the country domain .de
e.g: or Will that result in negative scores? Jan P.S.: Robert: You should configure mailman to have the mailing-list address as reply-to! > Hi All, > I've been tinkering with polw for a while now, here are my various patches > including the geoip work I got off the main site. > Sender and reverse spam token check (see .conf file) > Score senders on Geoip detected country > Compare TLD (where possible) and Geoip detected country for missmatch > 'onspeed' dialup optimizer in dial up checks > Sender penalize for number in email address (non corporate check) > Modified random email address detection with 12 unbroken characters > This is designed for a corporate heavily whitelisted environment although > I've had no reports of fp yet... > g. -- When i Die , Bury me Face down so the whole World can kiss my Ass Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jan Scholten mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ____________________________________________________________ Policyd-weight Mailinglist -