On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 03:00:41PM +1100, Morgan Weetman wrote:
> Hi Robert,
>     I am a systems engineer from Australia and I have been using
> policyd-weight for several months on my internet facing mail relays, the
> performance of the servers is vastly improved.
>     I read your announcement regarding stopping development and wanted
> to assist if possible, I have not read through the code to gain a full
> understanding but perl is my language of choice. Please let me know if /
> how I can help you out,

The major problem of policyd-weight is, that it is somewhat
non-deterministic - at least from "not-familiar-with-the-code"-point of

Because of this it does also lack a good documentation which
expresses the constraints of each check and their different
results such, that it would make users able to find the right
knob to adjust  -- easily, if ever.

However, if you want to take over development and maintainership
you are welcome to also run the policyd-weight.org web service.

Also you should sign on the mailing list and tell others
that you want to continue, and what your plans and _your_ future
philosophy with policyd-weight are.

_My_ current philosophy was:

    - as less modules as possible
    - low latency checks first
    - as many reliable short circuit decissions as possible

Next plan for 0.1.15 was:
    - make policyd-weight multi-protocol
      multiplex capable (DNS/Policy Proto via the IO::Select module)
    - provide parallel RBL lookups under some situations.

    - configurable scoring of RBL returns (,, etc)

    - use client_name (at the right places) before asking DNS

If have also some patches laying around which I didn't have the time
to verify/adjust/correct/include yet.

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

Policyd-weight Mailinglist - http://www.policyd-weight.org/

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