Dan Dobson,
You prominently mention the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) on the Group-Watch home page at
For the official record: have the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) or the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) been involved in any of your false flag hate speech ops on the Internet?
You haven't responded so far to several inquiries about allegations that you have been posting extreme hate messages to the Internet under one or more pseudonyms, and then complaining to Yahoo about your own hate posts:
If you don't issue an official denial on this point, many people are going to suspect that the SPLC and/or the ADL may have been involved, either formally or informally.

The SPLC has been mentioned in connection with another possible false flag op: Andreas Strassmeir and the Oklahoma City bombing:
Can you explain what would motivate you to post phony hate messages on the Internet?

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