Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

The Democrats are getting their marching orders from the neoliberal DLC (Democratic Leadership Council). They are following the same script as the neoconservatives in the Republican Party. And the mainstream media are covering up the entire rigged operation.

Whiskey Bar
Free Thinking in a Dirty Glass

Profiles in Chicken Shit

The congressional Dems show us what they're made of. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go scrape the rest of it off my shoes.

As rhetoric builds, Democrats in Congress lie low on Iran

Most aides refused to speculate whether Democrats might support a military operation in Iran. Several aides acknowledged, however, that some Democrats in Congress could support a military strike . . . Any military action Democrats supported, one aide said, would not include the use of nuclear weapons.

Unless, of course, it tests well with the focus groups.

(From Raw Story, via Cursor.)

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