Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

The Forward is one of the leading Jewish newspapers in the United States and the world, and a great newspaper all around. It is NOT playing the role of an Iran War ringleader -- quite the contrary. Again, there is no room for anti-Semitism in analyzing the political blocs which are agitating for an American attack on Iran. The agitation is in part about Israel and the Israel lobby, to be sure, but it has nothing to do with Jews overall, 70% of whom have been opposed to the Iraq War.

Anti-Semitism is just plain stupid, and most of it is motivated by mean envy.

Robert Dreyfuss

The Forward on Iran

By Robert Dreyfuss

The Forward, the leading U.S. Jewish newspaper, carries a strong editorial suggesting that an attack on Iran would have incalculable consequences, perhaps even worse than Iran having a nuclear weapon.

After noting all the war talk, the Forward asks: “What could be worse than the terrifying uncertainty of a world in which Iran possessed a nuclear weapon?”

It answers its own question:

The answer is alarmingly simple. Worse than those uncertainties would be the very certain consequences of an American attack on Iran. Begin with an unwinnable quagmire in a Muslim nation three times the size of Iraq. Then consider a global wave of Islamic rage against America that would make our current diplomatic predicament look like a honeymoon. Add to that the destabilization and likely collapse of unpopular pro-American regimes in places like Egypt, Pakistan and perhaps Saudi Arabia.

Instead of one Islamic republic that threatens to develop a nuclear bomb down the road, we would then face three or four — one of which would be in possession of a fully developed nuclear arsenal from day one.

How compelling is the military option against Iran? Jack Straw, the foreign minister of Great Britain, our most reliable ally, has for months been calling the idea "inconceivable." This week, after the reports of escalating war plans began surfacing, he went a step further and called it "completely nuts." And that's our closest ally.

Another highly respected European foreign minister, speaking last week on condition of anonymity, told a small group of Jewish community leaders in New York that the idea of an American attack on Iran would produce "a catastrophe — an absolute calamity." He was speaking at a convivial dinner party, lubricated with wine and good cheer, until he was asked about the prospect of Iran war. At that point, his face turned white.

"Imagine the current situation in Iraq," the minister said, ticking off the unwinnable quagmire, the collapse of a strategic nation into chaos, the turning of Iraq into an incubator for global terror and growing worldwide rage against America. "Then multiply it by 25, by 30. The implications are almost unimaginable.”

Where are the similar editorials in the MSM?

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