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FAIR Media Views

Post Bumbles and Falls for "Fourth Reich" Hoax

By (Daily News)

The New York Post put on its front page a Canadian columnist's erroneous claim that a new Iranian law says "religious minorities...will have to adopt distinct color schemes to make them identifiable in public." The Canadian National Post has since admitted it "did not exercise sufficient caution and skepticism" in originally running the story. While many U.S. outlets retain enough skepticism to have passed on reprinting the column, the New York Post "blared the story on Page 1—and across two inside pages" with the inflammatory headline "Fourth Reich: Iran Law Labels Jews." To its credit, the National Post printed a report investigating the occurence, but the New York Post's reaction was to give further print space to the offending columnist.

See also Asia Times: Yellow Journalism and Chicken Hawks (5/24/06) by Jim Lobe.

Juan Cole, president of the U.S. Middle East Studies Association (MESA), described the [Amir] Taheri article and its appearance first in Canada's Post as "typical of black psychological operations campaigns", particularly in its origin in an "out-of-the-way newspaper that is then picked up by the mainstream press" - in this case, the Jerusalem Post and the New York Post. A former U.S. intelligence official described the article's relatively obscure provenance as a "real sign of [a] disinformation operation."...

Taheri is a member of Benador Associates, a public relations firm that lists a large number of leading neo-conservatives, including American Enterprise Institute associates Richard Perle, David Frum, Michael Ledeen and Joshua Muravchik, among its clients.

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