What Wolcott is about is empiricism and the free play of imagination and intelligence.  He'll look at anything, and be trapped by nothing, certainly not by any fundamentalist ideology, including fundamentalist conspiracy conceptual schemes.  And of course the prose is matchless, at least in the polemical sphere.  Wolcott has the best independent mind and writing chops in the mainstream media (he writes for Vanity Fair, which one sees in every supermarket in America).  His tastes in music and movies also closely coincide with my own.  Among other things, he is the best music and movie reviewer in America.  (I doubt that Chip Berlet would get Wolcott.)
Dick Eastman forwarded a post of mine from here to CTRL, without my permission and with the aim of stirring up a big ruckus there.  In case anyone hasn't noticed yet, Eastman is a hardcore anti-Semite who regularly mixes together legitimate criticism of Israel with some of the most vicious Nazi-style assaults on Jews -- all the Jews.  One cannot overstate how destructive his behavior is to the cause of trying to prevent a Mideast Armageddon.  If I were Jewish, and saw his posts, I would probably end up on the extreme right of the Zionist political spectrum, just from an instinct for self-preservation.  Sometimes the charge of anti-Semitism isn't a smear -- it's an objective statement of the truth.  I don't think anti-Semites like Eastman should be censored, but they should be called out for what they are.
I have no idea about the first question.

LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why can you subscribe in CTRL anoymously but had to leave cia-drugs?
That's a bit unsystematic. Or is there less danger of a list-takeover?

Wolcott, not such a bad choice. But that would be pretty hard to
squease into the Sutton perspective.

I didn't understand the Dick Eastman story. He is forwarding your mails?

> I recently remarked in CTRL:
> You know, if I am going to be falsely accused of being someone
whom I am not, I would appreciate being accused of being someone I
admire, and not frigging Chip Berlet. That is truly annoying. The
man's writings put me to sleep.
> How about James Wolcott. James Wolcott is currently the most
brilliant polemical writer on planet Earth, a status once held by
Christopher Hitchens until booze wrecked his brain. Accuse me of
being Wolcott, and I'll happily go along with the nonsense.
> LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED].> wrote:
> >
> > I believe you're not Chip Berlet, canI *I* have the $10,000? ;)
> >
> Were have you been? Better-of-said, long no time no see!
> I think the $10.000 would be for the correct guess, not for telling
> which is wrong?
> I'll spare the audience further comments on the serious mental
> distortion the simplified version of Sutton's Heglian dialectical
> forces of history seem to cause in addictive brains.
> But is what we are looking for a well read political analyst? actually
> he might be right in front our eyes occasionally. Would we recognize
> him somewhere else? I think he has a certain amount of humor
> occasionally, maybe sarcasm at times. Has Berlet?
> -b


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