US special forces clash with CIA in war on terror: report 
LOS ANGELES (AFP) - US special forces operating overseas on secret missions 
have clashed with the
CIA and carried out operations in countries that are staunch US allies, The Los 
Angeles Times reported on its website.

Citing unnamed senior intelligence and military officials, the newspaper 
reported that the clashes had prompted a push for tighter rules for military 
units engaged in espionage.

The spy missions are part of a highly classified program that officials say has 
better positioned the United States to track terrorist networks and capture or 
kill enemy operatives in regions such as the Horn of Africa, the report said.

But the initiative has also led to several embarrassing incidents for the 
United States, including a shootout in Paraguay and the exposure of a sensitive 
intelligence operation in East Africa, according to the paper.

In 2004, members of a special forces team operating in Paraguay shot and killed 
an armed assailant who tried to rob them outside a bar, The Times said.

US officials removed the members of the team from the country.

In another incident, members of a team in East Africa were arrested by the 
local government after their espionage activity was discovered.

"It was a compromised surveillance activity," the paper quotes a former senior 
CIA official as saying.

The official said members of the unit "got rolled up by locals, and we got them 
out." The former official declined to name the country or provide other details.

The paper said that some
Central Intelligence Agency officials have complained that special forces have 
sometimes launched missions without informing the CIA, duplicating or even 
jeopardizing existing operations.

And they questioned deploying military teams in friendly nations -- including 
in Europe -- at a time when combat units are in short supply in war zones, the 
report said.

When asked to comment on the matter, Marine Major General Michael Ennis 
acknowledged "really egregious mistakes" in the program, but said collaboration 
has improved between the CIA and the military, the report said.

Special forces troops typically work in civilian clothes and function much like 
CIA case officers, cultivating sources in other governments or terrorist 
organizations, The Times said.

One objective, officials said, is to generate information that could be used to 
plan clandestine operations such as capturing or killing terrorism suspects.

But it is not uncommon, said a former CIA official, for CIA station chiefs to 
learn of military intelligence operations only after they were under way, the 
paper reported.

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