Discovery of directed 9/11 dialectic

    Recent research reveals the WTC "controlled demolition" debate has been a constructed Hegelian dialectic since no later than 9/12 2001. For it was on that day that one Van Romero, of New Mexico Tech, announced in the local Albuquerque Journal that the Twin Towers were obviously taken out by a conventional controlled demolition. Romero quickly and quietly retracted his claim and disappeared from the scene. What was not revealed until now however, is that Romero is a major player in directed-energy weaponry, and a long time member of the Directed-Energy Professional Society (See

    By planting the "controlled demolition" meme, Romero took eyes away from exotic and specifically directed-energy weapons' role in the destruction of the World Trade Center Complex.

    How serendipitious, then, that Romero should also resurface this very weekend on the Discovery Channel of all places. Romero received special thanks for, and his Department presided over, something called "Conspiracy Test" -- an examination of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

    As OKBOMB is increasingly understood as 9/11 writ small, cursory reexamination yields the telltale signs of directed-energy weapons there too -- the powderized concrete, cylindrical cut-out patterned damage, and even scorch marks left on the roof by the earlier prototype of the weapon. Romero's constructed dialectic eschewed such anomalies however, restricting the acceptable frame of debate to truck-bomb vs column-bomb.

    So it should be little surprise then that even as Romero's documentary premiered on Discovery, Discovery cameras were in Austin, Texas to tape a purportedly scientific presentation hewing to a similarly circumscribed 9/11 debate. For, as a result of an elaborate and targeted psychological operation aimed at leaders of the "patriot" community in the Austin area, the leading "scientific" figure speaking at the University of Texas conference came from the same 33o exo-weaponry milieu as Romero.

    Thus, any presentation by Discovery will be similarly restricted, between the ridiculous official theory(/ies) and the equally ludicrous "superthermate" theory. Such false opposition keeps activists' heads spinning on an untraceable thermite goose chase rather than agitating for grand-jury investigations of institutions such as Raytheon, Applied Research Associates, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and others whose weaponry can be tied to the utter devastation of World Trade Center.

    A possible silver lining over Texas: secrecy-gagged panelist Col. Dr. Bob Bowman valiantly tried to warn on a local talk show Friday that "Star Wars" is offensive weaponry designed to take out targets such as buildings from space-based platforms, sewing confusion in doing so.

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