i dont completely absolve brzezinski and those guys from suspected culpability 
in the WTC attacks.
he called for a "new pearl harbor" repeatedly in THE GRAND CHESSBOARD.  he may 
not have wanted to do it "for israel," and he didnt want to go into iraq, but 
that doesnt mean he didn't want the attacks.  im quite sure he did.
VIDEO: Brzezinski Confronted on False Flag Terror 


Brzezinski NWO Scum 

With only hours notice, CHANGE discovered that NWO Globalist Zbigniew 
Brzezinski was giving a speech at the YMCA in Manhattan. Luke was able to get 
in and ask some questions about his recent statements regarding false-flag 
terror attacks being staged by the Bush Administration, and his funding of the 
Taliban during the Afghan war with the Soviets. He was then directly confronted 
on the CFR's involvement in planning the attacks of 911.

Aaron Dykes / JonesReport April 25, 2007 

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