----- Original Message ----- 
From: sonof101 
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 5:24 AM
Subject: [infowarsnews] Iraqis Accuse U.S. Of Bombing Shrine

 Iraqis Accuse U.S. Of Bombing Shrine
      Both Sunnis and Shia say bombing a plot to incite sectarian violence 

Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Both Sunni and Shias Iraqis have accused the U.S. of being behind the bombing 
the al-Askari shrine in Samarra, one of the holiest Shia religious sites, in 
order to further incite sectarian violence between the two rival Islamic groups 
and provide a justification for the American surge.

Sunni Muslim leaders belonging to the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq 
have questioned how terrorists could get access to the site which has been 
heavily guarded by about 60 Federal Protection Service forces and 25 local 
Iraqi police and closed to the public since it was attacked last year in a 
bombing which many also believed to be the work of US forces.

Full article - http://prisonplanet.com/articles/june2007/130607Shrine.htm



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