On what grounds do you make the charge that I have aligned myself with the far 
right?  I have explicitly, and at great length, rejected the ideology and 
program of the far right, especially the ethnic nationalist far right.  My 
politics are classically American liberal, in the Jeffersonian sense, in the 
sense of the geniuses who founded the American Republic.

With regard to the neocons, we are faced with a fascinating dilemma.  The 
neocons are dominated by militant and messianic Jewish ethnic nationalists who 
have been ringleaders of the greatest foreign policy catastrophe in American 
history (the Iraq War).  Not satisfied with this ruinous adventure, they are 
now agitating loudly for an American war against Iran.  At the same time they 
have been leading an aggressive assault on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of 

Some of the most articulate critics of the neocons have leanings towards the 
white ethnic nationalist camp -- Kevin MacDonald and Patrick Buchanan are two 

Which camp is worse: the Jewish ethnic nationalists or the white ethnic 
nationalists?  If you believe that the Iraq War, and current American Mideast 
policy, are unmitigated disasters, you might well conclude that the neocons are 
the bigger problem by far.

Most critics of the neocons have no white nationalist ties, by the way, and no 
ethnic nationalist agenda.  Most of them are classical American liberals or 
conservatives who are disgusted by ethnic fascism in all its forms and 

Are you more troubled by Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith and Norman Podhoretz or 
by Kevin MacDonald, Patrick Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts?  How do you 
prioritize your concerns on these issues?  What is your basic value system?   
What's your algorithm?

The critiques of the neocons by Kevin MacDonald and Patrick Buchanan have been 
dead on, don't you think?  They've nailed them cold.

By the way, the neocons are increasingly getting into bed with white 
nationalists -- see, for instance, the developing ties of David Horowitz and 
his associates with David Gaubatz.  Much neocon rhetoric and hate speech 
against Islam and Arabs is straight from the Nazi playbook.

michael098762001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
--- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride
 > Neocons vs. Anti-Neocons
 > For Michael Pugliese:
 > Why are you more focused on attacking John Sharpe than Paul
 Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Natan Sharansky,
 Benjamin Netanyahu, Joesph Lieberman and dozens of other powerful neocons?
 > Let's hope that this question will be met with a reasonable response.
 Unlike you, I would never align myself w/those to the Right (far,
 far to the Right) of the neo-cons (Kevin MacDonald, Pat Buchanan, Ron
 Paul)to fight the neo-cons. Back in 1980 when I was a student at CSUN,
 Tom Metzger of the White Aryan Resistance spoke there, I was active in
 a group, CED led by Tom Hayden. With help from La Raza and other
 student radicals, progressives and liberals we quickly organized a
 very large protest. When the JDL showed up, we chased Irv Rubin across
 the street.
     I am beginning to think that you would accept the help of a David
 Duke front group, "No wars For Israel, " rather than say Jewish Voice
 for Peace or Tikkun.
    The enemy of my enemy is again not my friend.

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