Who Are the Key Neocons?

Following are some of the key neocons (who also happened to be some of the key 
ringleaders of the Iraq War).  Most or all of them are Jewish ethnic 
nationalists, an assertion that can be quickly verified with Google (for 
instance, try Googling [Richard Perle Israel] or [Douglas Feith Israel] or 
[Michael Ledeen Israel]).  One doesn't need to be Jewish to be a Jewish ethnic 
nationalist -- some of the most militant, the most deranged, Jewish ethnic 
nationalists are Christian Zionists, like John Hagee and Pat Robertson.

Would Michael Pugliese or tigerbengalis care to comment?

Most Americans, including most Jews, are decidedly not ethnic nationalists, not 
to mention messianic or militant ethnic nationalists.  They are AMERICANS -- 
they rarely think about their ethnicity, and they never get in the face of 
their fellow Americans about their ethnic issues -- doing so is not only bad 
manners, but behavior guaranteed to generate universal hostility in the long 
term; it is self-defeating and self-destructive behavior.  One would have to be 
autistic not to understand this, and one sometimes wonders whether many of the 
neocons are suffering from Asperger's Syndrome.

Abraham Sofaer
Abram Shulsky
Alan Dershowitz
Andrew Rosenthal
Ari Fleischer
Ariel Cohen
Arthur Finkelstein
Arthur Sulzberger Jr.
Barbara Amiel
Benjamin Netanyahu
Bernard Lewis
Bruce Kovner
Charles Krauthammer
Cheryl Halpern
Clifford May
Conrad Black
Dan Senor
Daniel Lapin
Daniel Pipes
Danielle Pletka
David Aaronovitch
David Brog
David Brooks
David Frum
David Gelernter
David Horowitz
David Mamet
David Wurmser
Debbie Schlussel
Dennis Prager
Donald Graham
Donald Kagan
Douglas Feith
Edward Luttwak
Eliot Cohen
Elliott Abrams
Eric Edelman
Eugene Rostow
Frank Gaffney
Fred Hiatt
Frederick Kagan
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Henry Kissinger
Herbert London
Irving Kristol
Irving Moskowitz
Jack Abramoff
James Tisch
Jay Severin
Jeff Jacoby
Joel Mowbray
Joel Surnow
John Bolton
John Hannah
John Podhoretz
Jonah Goldberg
Joseph Lieberman
Joshua Bolten
Joshua Muravchik
Ken Adelman
Ken Mehlman
Laurie Mylroie
Lawrence Kaplan
Lawrence Summers
Leonard Garment
Leonard Peikoff
Lewis Libby
Marc Grossman
Mark Steyn
Martin Peretz
Maurice Greenberg
Max Boot
Mel Sembler
Meyrav Wurmser
Michael Bloomberg
Michael Chertoff
Michael Ledeen
Michael Medved
Michael Rubin
Michael Steinhardt
Midge Decter
Mona Charen
Mort Zuckerman
Morton Klein
Morton Kondracke
Natan Sharansky
Norman Podhoretz
Pamela Geller Oshry
Paul Wolfowitz
Peter Rodman
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Rich Lowry
Richard Perle
Richard Pipes
Robert Joseph
Robert Kagan
Roger Hertog
Ron Silver
Ronald Lauder
Ronald Perelman
Rupert Murdoch
Saul Singer
Sumner Redstone
Suzanne Fields
Ted Belman
Thomas Friedman
Walt Rostow
William Bennett
William Kristol
William Safire
Yaron Brook

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