Ah but, there is plenty to critique in Robert Fisk. Did you read the
review in The Nation, hardly a neo-con rag, of his last book, that huge
tome. Numerous factual errors.

On 6/30/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Btw, isn't the term "fisking" a standard attack term in the arsenal of
neocons and pro-Israel militants, like Charles Johnson and Pamela Gellar
Oshry?  It's usually a sign of a room temperature IQ and of an inclination,
a psychological need, to huddle, bloblike, in the embrace of a comfortable
cult.  Pure groupthink.  Podhoretzian.  Weak.  Intellectually lazy.

*Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

    Any comments on the fisking of Greenwald I sent yesterday?
In the thread on The American Free Press, the two blog entries from
Confederate Yankee.

Michael Pugliese

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